I am pleased to announce that I will be defending my PhD thesis, titled "Unveiling the Hidden Threat: Investigating Zoonotic Virus Infections Using State-of-the-Art Human In Vitro Models."
Here are the details of the defense:
Date: Monday, July 1, 2024
Time: 10:15 CET
Location: Lecture room 303, Department of Infectious Disease and Pathobiology (DIP), Länggassstrasse 122, 3012 Bern (3rd floor)
Or via Zoom: https://unibe-ch.zoom.us/j/66300669917?pwd=i7wtJaIwWaBhG8Ym6IexOMmC84BsJ4.1
Meeting ID: 663 0066 9917
Passcode: 808435
There will be drinks and finger food at 12:00. Feel free to join! Thank you for considering my invitation. I look forward to hopefully seeing you at the defense.