Basic and applied clinical research of the Vetsuisse Faculty Bern

The Vetsuisse Faculty of the University of Bern conducts research in three specific fields. The common goal is the further development of veterinary medicine for the benefit of animals and humans.

Animal health and – welfare

Animal health and – welfare are central subjects in veterinary medicine. Clinical research groups around farm and companion animal medicine are working in this research field. But also basic research questions for example in the field of animal protection belong to this research field.

Sustainability and Biodiversity

Animal health leads to questions on the ecological and economical impact of veterinary medicine. Our future asks for solid and sustainable solutions in animal production and within the ecology of diseases.

Infectious Diseases and One Health

Our faculty is an important research partner for questions around prevention, acute reaction as well as long term management of infectious diseases. Within the one-health approach we search for answers in burning issues around health threats of humans and animals .


The Boris (Bern Open Repository and Information System) of the University of Bern contains all publications of the staff.


Short scientific presentation (15 min + 5 min Discussion) presented by Students, PostDocs or Seniors to present running projects or recently published work from Vetsuisse