Doctoral studies

The Vetsuisse Faculty offers a doctorate ( To be admitted to the doctoral program, you need a Master in Veterinary Medicine or an equivalent degree. Information on admission and enrolment can be found at the Department for Admission, Enrolment and Counselling at the University of Bern.

Pathway to a doctorate 

The exact procedure as well as all requirements and conditions can be found in the ‘Dissertation Guide’ further down on this page. 
If you have any questions, please contact the Dean's Office of the Vetsuisse Faculty. 

Submission deadlines for dissertations 2024

26 January 2024
5 April 2024
9 August 2024
8 November 2024

Dissertations can be submitted to the Dean's Office. They can be submitted either in person or by post (postmarked as date of submission). Processing will only take place if all required documents are submitted.

Transitional provisions

The revised dissertation guidelines come into force on 1 August 2024. All persons who enrol for a doctorate after 1 August 2024 must write their dissertation in accordance with the new guidelines. Doctoral students who were already enrolled before 1 August 2024 can choose whether to proceed according to the old or the new dissertation guidelines.

Most important changes

  • Digital submission only 
  • Mandatory publication on Boris Theses 
  • Mandatory examination of the thesis using PlagScan 
  • Requirements for the presentation

Important documents

Regulations & Forms

Fact sheets, instructions and checklists


Old documents

Doctoral students who enrolled for a dissertation before 1 August 2024 can either proceed according to the provisions of the old or new guidelines. Please note that a combination is not permitted. Document templates can be used when proceeding according to the old guidelines, but must be adapted according to the specifications of the old guidelines (e.g. signed sheet must be inserted instead of the copyright notice).