Promotion of Early Career Researchers and Gender Equality

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Promoting young talent and equality at the Vetsuisse Faculty: Two topics that are important to us!

The KANG - "Commission for Young Academics and Equality" - is a standing committee of the Vetsuisse Faculty.

The KANG supports the departments and institutes in creating attractive and family-friendly working conditions, promotes equal opportunities and contributes to the training of young academics. It develops the willingness to change structures and helps to adapt working conditions to today's needs. It coordinates the implementation of the Faculty's Equal Opportunities Plan.

We are recruited from all departments and intend to reflect the diversity of the faculty in our committee. 

Get in touch if you have any questions about early career or equality topics, or if you think we could support you in implementing an idea on equal opportunities!

Irene Adrian-Kalchhauser, representative DIP, (Co-Chairwoman)
Anna Oevermann, representativeDCR-VPH, (Co-Chairwoman)
Cord Drögemüller, representative DCR-VPH
Ioannis Magouras, representative DCR-VPH
Alexander Grahofer, representative DKV
Mathieux de Preux, DKV, Vertreter Mittelbau 
Elina Herrendorf, representative Fachschaft
Nora Gassner, Equal opporuities coordinator, dean's office